Technology Innovation 2014

Город будущего(revised:


The World Economic Forum, known for its annual meeting in Swiss Davos, published a new report highlighting the main technological trends of the current year.

The material has been prepared by the InoSMI edited specifically for the section of RIA Nauka grad

Stephen Perlberg (Steven Perlberg)

Google Glass, архивное фотоThe World Economic Forum, known for its annual meeting in Swiss Davos, published a new report highlighting the main technological trends of the current year.

“Technology has perhaps become the greatest agent of change in the modern world, written by Nubar Afeyan (Noubar Afeyan). - There is no risk, but positive technological breakthroughs promise to provide innovative solutions to the world ' s most pressing contemporary problems, from lack of resources to global environmental change. "

" To advance the most important technological advances, the Council seeks to raise awareness of their potential and to help close the gap in investment, regulation and public perceptions " , it notes.

The following is a brief description of the latest technologies to be highlighted this year, from the current electronics to the brain computer interface.

1. A body-adjusted electrician

" These practically invisible devices are airbags following the frequency of heart cuts, clothing sensors, stud control, temporary tattoos tracking vital organs, and tactile soles showing the road on GPS by vibration, which people feel as legs.

This technique has a wide range of applications: tactile soles are proposed to be used as a leash for blinds, and Google Glass is already wearing oncologists because it helps them perform operations by showing medical data and other visual information on voice teams.

Ископаемая губка из формации Берджесс-Шейл с хорошо сохранившимся скелетом Лаборатория, архивное фото Пробирки Человеческий мозг

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