What New Technologies Are In The World

A manicure machine, a new ski cure and a virus to control cancer ом in the Machinery program.
5. Manicure machineHigh technology comes to manicure. The American company presented the latest machine that paints on your nails. The user only has to choose one of the many drawings or load his own, pay and trust the car by putting his hands in her womb. The scanner will analyse the size of the nails, and a specially adapted track printer will carry all the necessary layers very quickly. However, many women may not like it, because the rusty conversations with a manicure-friend machine will certainly not replace it.
4. The cycling on the ceiling
The company from Italy has figured out how to make sure that the bike in your house or garage doesn't take a seat at all. A built-in storage system lifts the bike to the ceiling and has it flat so that no one can interfere. Even those who are not subject to the seriousness of м may be used with hydraulic and pneumatic assistance. Price of novel . 200 euros.
3. Better keep quiet.
Talking on the phone is dangerous even if you use a loud signal. A series of special tests carried out by the American Movement Safety Organization revealed that the brain of a motorist not only during, but even after any telephone conversation, an additional 27 seconds on average cannot be completely switched to car control. The driver may not notice signs, pedestrians or even other vehicles at this time.
2. Hair medicine
In America, we may have found a cure for skiing. Scientists from Columbia University have tried to use the latest knowledge of how the hair falls, and have plugs on the skin with a specially bleached solution of the so-called JAK-ingimbers. They block one of the main molecular mechanisms of the most common type of skiing caused by the hormon testosterone. The result was a sudden ым growth of the hair. Dr. Angela's research manager says the discovery will soon start testing people.
1. Cancer virus
The new class of cancer drugs has been officially approved in America and Europe. These are the viruses that patients are infected to cure. The modified Herpes virus is designed to kill cancer cells and promote immunity. It helps even with one of the most malignant tumours ственных melanoma, although it does not heal completely. The $65,000 med school averages four months for a sick man with a melan. Scientists are confident that the new method has great prospects.
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